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Support the Right To Repair

The Right to Repair is an effort to ensure that consumers have choice when computers and phones break down. This article on Vox.com describes the issue–and the article features West Seattle Computers prominently! Apple effectively has a monopoly on fixing your iPhone. There’s now a fight to change that. Be informed so that when this…

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Having the Latest Updates is Essential for Security

Newly discovered vulnerabilities in old versions of Microsoft Windows can be so devastating that Microsoft released updates for old operating systems that officially are no longer supported. This simply drives home the importance of using a modern operating system and of keeping all software as up-to-date as possible. https://healthitsecurity.com/news/nearly-1-million-windows-devices-vulnerable-to-bluekeep-rdp-flaw

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Fake Legal Threat Scam

Fake legal threats are a very effective scam. They elicit a panic response and people often don’t make the best decisions in a panic. Don’t fall victim! https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/05/legal-threats-make-powerful-phishing-lures/

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Is it Still Safe to Trust Kaspersky

Shortly after our last posting, new news articles have reported the claim that Kaspersky anti-virus software has been used by the Russian government to collect sensitive information of the Unites States. How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for U.S. Secrets We’re not sure what to believe. Independent tests consistently show that Kaspersky is…

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